Last Revision: September 20, 2024

Student Conduct Procedures

Reported Infraction

Upon receipt of a student conduct complaint, the University will acknowledge the receipt of the report, then create and classify the case file as either Academic or Professional Misconduct.

Both Academic and Professional Misconduct violations typically follow a stepwise process for remediation (delineated below) unless the act is a flagrant violation of university policy. When a flagrant violation of university policy occurs, the University reserves the right to escalate the violation directly to the Student Conduct Board for sanctioning, which may include expulsion.

Student Academic Misconduct Violations

Academic misconduct violations, also known as academic integrity violations, herein, are reported to the appropriate University Official who investigates the case using the documentation submitted by the complainant and determines the level of remediation required.

Undergraduate Student Academic Integrity Violation Ladder

1st Academic Integrity Violation: Letter of misconduct issued with formal sanctions, notification of academic misconduct notation in student file, and an accountability package requirement. A hold may be placed on the student’s account and will remain until the accountability package is completed.

2nd Academic Integrity Violation: Letter of misconduct issued with formal sanctions, notification of academic misconduct notation in student file, and an accountability package requirement. A hold may be placed on the student’s account and will remain until the accountability package is completed.

3rd Academic Integrity Violation: Integrity hearing held with the Student Conduct Board. The student is given an opportunity to present a written statement that presents their case. The Student Conduct Board reviews all case materials including all prior violations. The Student Conduct Board issues formal sanctions up to and including expulsion.

Graduate and Professional Student Academic Integrity Violation Ladder

At APUS, graduate and professional student culture is defined as a community of emerging scholars and practitioners who share a commitment to research and scholarly integrity along with a passion for engagement in the production of new knowledge and the application of that knowledge in innovative interdisciplinary contexts. As such, graduate students are held to a higher standard for academic integrity than undergraduates based on graduate expectations for academic rigor and appropriate use of sources. Graduate students are expected to practice academic integrity in all their work by appropriately crediting others’ words and ideas and by avoiding any form of plagiarism.

1st Academic Integrity Violation: Letter of misconduct issued with formal sanctions, notification of academic misconduct notation in student file, and an accountability package requirement. A hold may be placed on the student’s account and will remain until the accountability package is completed.

2nd Academic Integrity Violation: Integrity hearing held with Conduct Board. The student is given an opportunity to present a written statement that presents their case. The Student Conduct Board reviews all case materials, including all prior violations. The Student Conduct Board issues formal sanctions up to and including expulsion.

Professional Misconduct Violations

Each case is investigated by the Office of Student Conduct which determines if the complaint has merit and then determines the level of violation. If the issue presented is not a code violation but has merit for concern, the student will be provided with educational accountability information. 

Levels of violation:

  • Level 1 violation: may include minor policy violations or egregious violations that leave little room for the misinterpretation of behavior;
  • Level 2 violation: an egregious violation of the Student Code of Conduct where multiple violations are on record;
  • Level 3 violation: an egregious violation of the Student Code of Conduct and grounds for immediate expulsion.

For each violation, the Office of Student Conduct conducts a formal investigation and remediates the situation.

Level 1 Professional Misconduct Violation: The student is informed of the report and code violation(s) if any. If the case has merit, the student may receive a formal warning, or the student may be formally sanctioned and issued an accountability package. A hold may be placed on the student’s account and will remain until the accountability package is completed.

Level 2 Professional Misconduct Violation: The student is informed of the report and code violation(s). At this time, the student is offered an opportunity to explain their position/experience and submit additional documentation relevant to the case. The Office of Student Conduct carries out a formal investigation of the matter and additional evidence is collected as necessary. Following a formal investigation, the student is presented with formal charges and is asked to acknowledge their responsibility in the matter.

If responsibility is acknowledged, the Office of Student Conduct administers disciplinary sanctions.

If the charges are disputed, the Student Conduct Board is convened to review the case.

Level 3 Professional Misconduct Violation: The student is informed of the reports and code violation(s) and is removed from all courses and placed on suspension. At this time, the student is offered an opportunity to explain their position/experience and submit additional documentation relevant to the case. The Office of Student Conduct carries out a formal investigation of the matter and additional evidence is collected as necessary. Following a formal investigation, the student is presented with formal charges and is asked to acknowledge their responsibility in the matter.

If responsibility is acknowledged, the Office of Student Conduct administers disciplinary sanctions.

If the charges are disputed, the Student Conduct Board is convened to review the case.

Student Conduct Board

The Student Conduct Board, referred to as Board, herein, is assembled from APUS administrators, faculty, staff, and designees from the School Dean’s Office. During case reviews, Board membership will vary to ensure the review is equitable and impartial. From the assembled Board, a Board Chair will be identified. A quorum of any case review meeting of the Board will consist of a Chair, and five (5) Board members. The Dean of Graduate Studies and Research or designee will be present at all Board meetings for cases involving graduate or professional student academic integrity violations. The Board is convened at the request of the Office of Student Conduct to review cases.

Student Conduct Board Review

When a Board review is required, the Office of Student Conduct compiles all reports, documents, and interactions with the student into a Student Conduct Board Review Packet (SCBRP). The Office of Student Conduct will:

  1. Provide the student with a copy of the SCBRP
  2. Provide the student with an opportunity to add additional relevant documentation within a specified timeframe, and
  3. Provide the student a hearing notice with date, time, and committee members

The Board then reviews the completed SCBRP and renders a decision regarding the University code violation(s), and disciplinary sanction(s). The Board Chair, through the Office of Student Conduct, submits the decision to the student.