Viewing Your Academic Plan

When you apply to the university, you are asked to select an academic program. The course requirements for that program will appear in the ecampus as your Academic Plan.

To view the plan, log into the ecampus, open the Academic Plan & Forms menu, and under Courses and Registration section, select the Academic Plan link .

Your plan will list each course in the program along with status on whether you have completed the course and the grade you earned. At the top of the plan you will see your cumulative grade point average (GPA).

Transfer Credits

If you received transfer credits for a course taken at a different college or university, you will see the credits awarded in red on your academic plan. If you recently change your academic program or were readmitted to the university, your previously awarded transfer credits will be temporarily removed from your plan until a new transfer credit evaluation is complete. You will be notified via email when all applicable credits are posted to your academic plan.

Downloading Your Academic Plan

If you want a copy of your plan, click the Download Degree Plan link found at the top of the page. You can then open or save the agreement which includes your academic plan.

Non-Degree Seeking Programs

You are not required to follow an academic plan if you selected Non-Degree Seeking as your academic goal when you applied to the university. You can select the View Academic Plan link, but will see links to course descriptions instead of an academic plan.