The University provides ebooks at no cost to all undergraduate, doctoral and Preferred Military Rate-eligible1 students. A hard-copy textbook is provided at no cost if an ebook is not available. Some programs will have additional course material costs. Simply select the course in your {{{AcademicPlan}}} to review the required materials.
1All U.S. active-duty servicemembers, National Guard members, Reservists, and military families, (parents, spouses, legal partners, siblings, and dependents) are eligible for the Preferred Military Rate of {{{UndergradPreferredMilitaryRate}}}/credit for undergraduate and master’s-level courses.
- Select Register Now at the top of your ecampus to get started
- Select your course and start date
- Review the Attendance Requirement and Military TA Disclosure Policy
- Verify your Contact Information
- Select Tuition Assistance (TA) under the Military Payment Options as your payment method
- Print your Registration Confirmation
Log into your WebTA account and print out the voucher to submit to the school after the application has been approved.
- Sign the TA Authorization form
- Submit your approved/signed TA Authorization form via the secure {{{DocumentPortal}}}
- You must log in with your ecampus credentials to upload the required signed TA voucher. You can also email a copy to [email protected] or fax it to 866-755-8763